Powerful form fields for Webflow

Beautiful select, date picker, range slider and more.

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How does it work?


Check the features


Customized `Select` field

The default HTML select field is ugly, and has issue with dark and light mode on different operating systems. Our custom select field solved all of that issue. You can use native Webflow designer to control design.


Customized searchable `Select` field

This field is same as our custom select field, but has extra capability of search.


Date picker

Webflow form fields does not provide a date picker field. Our app let you add a beautiful date picker that works seemlessly.


Date range picker

This field same as date picker, but you can select a range instead of just a single date.


Range slider

Customized range slider field, where you can let visitor choose a number using a slider. This field supports a single value or a range.


User IP collector

This field lets you collect the IP of the user submitting the form. This can be helpful to reduce spam, block IPs or other things.


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